Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Weekend Trip Home

This is my Mom and I. I love her to death, omword! She is so cool!

This is my baby momma Kristin... She is such a great girl, she's one of the people who actually cares about me and tries to find out how I'm doing. Unfortunately, she can't call much, because she doesn't have the minutes. However, I can tell she actually does care.

This is Nate and Joshua... Joshua is Kristin (my baby momma)'s little brother, and I swear! Every time I come home, he runs up to me and gives me a big hug and tells me how much he missed me!

This is my family... from the left, Ben (little brother), Grandma Moreland (Mom's Mom), Tim (my dad), and Grams (Dad's Mom).

This is Sheba, my most beloved dog. She is the most awesome dog anyone could ever ask for... unfortunately, she's nearly 14 years old, and I don't know how much longer she is going to last.

Here are two of my favorite ladies! To the left is Rozel, she is an absolutely wonderful lady, and then to the right is Linda. They both are so cool! Linda actually came up to see me last term :-)

The is the front of my house... I'll probably take more pictures of my house before I leave, but it's fairly large as you can tell...

This is a really cute little squirrel taking a drink from our pond! Omword, it was so cool :D he kept comming up and drinking out of it! And in this particular picture, he looks like his eyes are made out of fire, how cool is that!

This is me and Mrs. Pummil, she is so cool!!!

This is the pond! It's awesome! My dad installed it a few years ago, completely homemade and the waterfall is so cool!

This is Noel, my god-sister! She is really fun, and is won the state cuisine championship!

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Sheba. I swear, she has been the best friend I've ever had... been with me through thick and thin, and always been loyal and loving! I can't tell you the number of times I've just hugged her and cried myself to sleep right next to her, or how many times when I've been sick she's come up and just rested her head on me comforting me! I love her!!!

I love lilly of the valley... it reminds me of the simplicity of life!

These are two of the plants I found last year while I was preparing the backyard for Prom, and fell in love! So we bought four and planted them out by the pond, unfortunately, only two survived...

This is a closeup of that really cool plant that I found last year at the garden shop.

Here is one of my students throughout the years, from both Sunday School (I taught Sunday School for 6 years) and Ministerial Excellence Christian Academy, where I worked last work term... His name is Eric, or as many people call him, EJ, and he's cool!

Here is a closer picture of my Grandmother (left), Dad (middle), and Grams (right)... they were all sitting in the first floor living room talking!

From the left... My Uncle John (Dad's younger brother), and my own little brother! Ben is so cool, but he can be a dork!

Here is my Grandfather (Mom's Dad)

Grams and Sheba! They were walking towards me out to the pond in the back yard!

Here is my Grams and my Sheba! The darned dog has this thing about sniffing feet... I think she has a foot fettish!

This is a view of my front yard... all of it... we claim the gigantic park accross the street as part of our front yard... next time I'm down, I am going to walk around over there and take pictures of it!


Blogger Chris said...

What does omward mean?

4:08 PM  

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